Essential natural oils for hair and skin

There are some natural oils that are not just only great for hair, but can also be part of the skin care routine. These oils are light and have excellent benefits for hair growth and skin care.


Coconut oil is the darling of oils. It is relatively cheap, readily available and works like magic. It is a natural moisturiser that can be absorbed into the hair shaft and can even act as protein treatment to a small extent. It contains lauric acid that treats and prevents dandruff and imparts your skin with a healthy glow.


Almond oil contains vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium that give both the hair and skin a protective layer against the elements, preventing dryness. It has small quantities of SPF too, and regular application can prevent sunburn. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from aging.


Argan oil is an excellent source of the essential vitamins A, C and E which fight free radical damage to hair and skin and impart a youthful glow. It also contains linoleic acid that keeps the skin moisturised while omega-6 fatty acids nourish the skin and the scalp.

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