7 foods specially created for women

For starters, I don’t mean to say that men can’t eat them but they are loaded with wonderful nutrients that cater to certain issues that are most associated with women such as breast cancer, certain types of strokes, brittle bones, etc.

1. Paw-paw

This blessed fruit is excellent for lowering your chances of getting cervical or breast cancer due to the presence of beta-carotene and lycopene. It is also rich in anti-oxidants to lower your blood pressure and keep your cholesterol levels at bay.

2. Sardine

This is easily found in the market and thank God for that because it is most recommended for pregnant and lactating women due to the presence of omega-3. Also, it can help with the production of excellent breast milk.

3. Grapefruit

It may not be as sweet as orange (that is a good thing because less sugar is always best) but it packs flavonoids which lower the risk of heart-related problems.

4. Yoghurt

To ward off the brittle bones, take more of this especially as you hit menopause since it contains calcium. Be sure to go for low-fat and without artificial sweeteners.

5. Spinach

We have always known that green veggies are good for the body but did you also know that spinach can protect you against wrinkles, dementia and some types of cancer? I’m glad you do now.

6. Beans

If you are trying to cut down your consumption of meat, then you have come to the right place. Beans are great source of protein that just happen to strengthen your heart and provide fibre to get your bowels working at optimal level.

7. Sweet potato

It has got potassium, iron, copper, vitamin A, beta-carotene, the whole works to keep you strong during pregnancy and improve your baby’s overall health.

8. Avocado

Full of healthy fats, avocado can protect your eyes and skin. We all want that glow, don’t we?

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