What if he likes you but doesn’t want a relationship?

This can be very painful. That moment when you and a guy are getting really attached to each other and he suddenly begins distancing himself because he does not want a relationship!

At this point, you might even feel little heartbroken because you are wondering if you read the signs wrongly. It could even dent your self-esteem, but you don’t have to let that happen.

Dealing with this scenario first of all begins with understanding the fact that he has a right to say ‘no’ to a relationship, just as much as you do. So, don’t get mad or take it personally. It sucks, I know but it might not be you he doesn’t want to date. It might be that he just doesn’t want to date anyone. Whatever be the case, my point is that he has his reasons (though asking him might make you come off as desperate) so accept that and move on.

You two had something beautiful blooming but he stopped it from fully maturing; so all you should do now is to set your eyes on someone else. He is not the only guy in the world. Therefore, don’t act that way. If you two had magical chemistry, don’t worry; you will find that with someone else.

Keep your dignity intact and move forward. Don’t stick around him either because it might make things complicated. So, if he says that he wants you two to keep fooling around though he does not want a girlfriend then say, “No, thanks.” Your heart is not to be trifled with and neither is your time and self-respect.

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