The key to avoiding heartbreak

Without a doubt, no one likes the idea of going through a heartbreak. It can be a harrowing experience. Therefore, I am going to share a key that will drastically reduce your chances of having your heart broken.

The tip is to simply determine what you both want from the relationship from the onset. When there are no unrealistic expectations, you two know what you are getting yourself into and so eliminate the chances of being shocked later on.

I understand and agree that you can never be so sure. You two may have great plans at the beginning but things may go haywire later on. However, most times things actually go haywire because you two don’t even know that you initially wanted different things out of the relationship.

How? you ask. Well, supposing you want a fling and nothing more, be upfront about that. If he is on board then go for it. If you want a committed, serious relationship, ask him to know where his head is at. If he can’t give a straight forward answer or says something like, “Let us see how it goes”, then honey, move on.

Like I said earlier, you may not know the end of a matter from the beginning but you can definitely decide what your intentions are! When you two agree on your intentions, you won’t be shocked later on. You won’t suddenly realise that you wanted more and he wanted a fling all because you both assumed wrongly.

While there might be a lot of reasons for heartbreaks, remember that a breakup is not necessarily tantamount to heartbreak. You two may go your separate ways (breakup) because it didn’t work out and not that someone got hurt (heartbreak). To achieve the former instead of the latter, be certain what either of you want from the relationship from the very onset.

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